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Production start for H.N. Hauge documentary

His impact has been immeasurable.

Hans Nielsen Hauge is widely known as the biggest revivalist in Norwegian history. He had also a great influence on the early industrialization of Norway and the Lutheran Church in America.

In a total of 18 years, he published 33 books. Estimates are that 100,000 Norwegians read one or more of them, at a time when the population was 900,000 more-or-less literate individuals.

Early development of the documentary started back in 2014. However, as Sorthvit at the same time got the opportunity to do a documentary on global health, interviewing people ranging from Bill Gates, a former leader of the WHO, the founder of MTV International and several executives in the UNICEF-system, the development was put on hold.

Right after the health-documentary was released, Sorthvit received funding from the Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security to do a documentary on human trafficking. The film is in its final shooting stage now, and post production starts this fall. Further, sorthvit is also in development of a CG animation of the gospel of Mark.

As for the Hauge documentary, it is now in development and pre-production, and will start production this fall. Already, several scholars who in various ways have contributed to lectures, books and seminars on Hauge, has been scheduled for interviews, and there are more to come. Sorthvit will release a list of contributors later this fall.

The documentary will not only look into the life of Hauge, but also the Hauge movement that followed, and even his impact on todays society.

As Hauge and the Hauge movement also had a great influence on Lutheranism in America, Sorthvit is looking into developing the documentary as also having a segment on Hauges global impact.

Part of the development will also be a funding and investment round for the film. There is already one investor who has guaranteed for a baseline budget, so a film is guaranteed, but the more sponsors we can get, the better the film.

If you want to support this production, Norwegian citizens can do so by using Vipps nr 522452. For larger amounts and international sponsors, please contact us via email or phone.

Below are two paragraphs from Wikipedia regarding Hans Nielsen Hauge.

The impact of the Hauge movement

Many Haugeans launched industrial action, such as mills, shipyards, paper mills, textile industry and printing. They had often worked their way up to prosperity in a short time, a result of Haugean focus on diligence, economic enterprise and frugality. Three members of the constitutional assembly in Eidsvoll belonged to his movement.

Hauges impact on the Lutheran Church in America.

Because Hauge’s preaching coincided with the years during which many Norwegians were migrating to America, the Haugean influence on Lutheranism in America has been considerable.The Lutheran Church in America had a Hauge Synod, Eielsen Synod and Lutheran Free Church all indicative of that influence.Hauge is remembered on the liturgical calendar of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America on March 29 as one of the Renewers of the Church

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